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29th Congress of the German Continence Society

From 11th - 12th November 2017, continence experts from medicine, nursing and physiotherapy met in Dresden for the 29th Congress of the German Continence Society. The self-help organisations were also represented at the exhibition. A comprehensive industry exhibition introduced the experts to new developments from the therapeutic area and the supply of medical devices for people with continence disorders. Besides the specialist-orientated topics, the lecture also included reports on the certification of the pelvic floor and continence centres. Supplemented with dedicated participants discussions from the various professional groups. From a nursing perspective, the requirements for qualification of nursing experts in these certified centres were up-to-date and essential. The question of the distribution of tasks in these centres was also thoroughly discussed.
In the future, the auditors should also be present in interdisciplinary and cross-professional teams for certification in the centres.
In view of the changing working conditions for nursing experts in the various health care sectors, such events are important opportunities for interdisciplinary exchange.
The professional society Stoma, Continence and Wound e. V. was present on the exhibition with an information stand and briefed the participants about the organisation's work in Germany and the activities of the European Council of Enterostomal Therapy (ECET) throughout Europe.