Scientific Papers & Reports
Here you will find new scientific papers or reports with relevance for stoma therapy, incontinence care and/or treatment of wounds.
Gisele Schön and Marco Seltenreich (2018) define incontence in practice and how to develop care instructions: Praxiswissen Kontinenz: Leitfaden für eine unterstützende Pflege (German)
Gisele Schön and Marco Seltenreich (2017) outline the taboo related to incontinence: Wenn Blase und Darm nicht mehr halten, was sie versprechen: inkontinenz und was man dagegen tun kann (German)
Gabriela Kobroth's (2014) Master Thesis on dermatitis caused by incontinence: Inkontinenzassoziierte Dermatitis (German)
Gabriela Kobroth's (2011) Master Thesis on how the taboo related to incontinence is managed by nurses and carers: Tabuthema Harninkontinenz (German)
Recommendations intended to help caregivers in the stoma therapy in the creation of professional stoma photographs: Recommendations for stoma photo documentation (English)
Recommendations intended to help caregivers in the stoma therapy in the creation of professional stoma photographs: Empfehlung zur Stoma-Fotodokumentation (German)
GESTO Group is an italian group of 50 nursus specialised in Ostomy: The decalogue for a high standard of care for individuals carrying ostomy (English)