Please note: All communication regarding upload will refer to EWMA-GNEAUPP 2025, but this also includes ECET 2025.
Your presentation can be uploaded in two ways:
1. Upload before the conference
A link will be provided by email to all speakers 26 February 2025.
You can upload your presentation through the link and ask questions if you need technical support.
Any presentations uploaded before the conference can be replaced onsite if you have any changes.
2. Upload onsite
Please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive to the conference. We do not allow the use of personal laptops for presentations.
Please bring your presentation to the Speakers Upload Centre at least 2 hours before your oral presentation. Authors of the early morning sessions on Thursday and Friday will be requested to upload their presentation prior to the conference or the day before.
A technician will assist you in transferring the presentation into a central conference server. When the transfer is complete, the technician performs a quick run of the presentation in order for you to check whether the presentation runs correctly, and that the entire presentation is copied.
Your presentation will then be available in the room in which your oral presentation is scheduled.
Download the template for oral presentations here:
Please note: All communication regarding upload will refer to EWMA-GNEAUPP 2025, but this also includes ECET 2025.
Please note that your E-Poster can NOT be uploaded onsite in Barcelona.
If you do not upload your E-Poster before the conference, it will not be visible during the conference in Barcelona.
E-Poster upload link is sent to all E-Poster presenters 26 February.
E-Poster upload deadline: 23rd March, 23:59 CET
E-posters are on display throughout the whole conference on touch screens situated in the E-Poster area in the Exhibition hall.
All E-posters are available on all screens.
All e-Posters must be uploaded before the conference via a special link that you will receive by email by the end of February 2025.
Download the Electronic Poster template here: